NEW Turtleburger MASK UP! design by Ricky added to Famebot Teemill store

i think i’m about to pull the trigger on a maxed arm mbp.

i need to be able to edit video else i’d get the air

not happy about the idea of a touchbar but everything else seems unreal

i wish there was a 16 in arm mbp now, but then it would prolly cost double lol apple 💸

From Hijras in India to māhūs in Hawaii, there have always been people whose gender doesn’t fit into the stereotype of what it means to be a man or woman.

The notion that both sex and gender are binary […] is a social construct.

– Mere Abrams, Nonbinary: What Does It Mean? iOS: @manton I feel like the profile (avatar/bio) should scroll with the timeline on the iPhone instead of being fixed, with larger text sizes this becomes an accessibility/usability issue. (updated image, uncropped now)

Boxing training 📷🥊⛲️

Echo Park, Los Angeles, California, USA 🏙🐻🇺🇸

taken at 09:51 local time 2020-10-14 🕙

A Day In The Life #adayinthelife

Cut to 2025 when people start waking up to ring flying drones hovering in their bedrooms unannounced.

So @pyrmont made this cool app Flext for processing text. I’m testing the iOS version and I wrote a processor for kebab-case using Textastic. This is how I like to title files: cross-platform plus on webservers the paths stay the same as the filename.

A pair of timely articles to counter deceptive propaganda that suggests destroying the working class is somehow good for the economy. First up, Steven Rattner on Trump’s lies about dwindling jobs, handouts to the ultra-rich, and the exploding deficit.

📷 frosty ☃️❄️ day 24 of August 2020 Photoblogging Challenge near Mount Zion in Big Santa Anita Canyon, part of Southern California’s San Gabriel Mountains, and one of the most popular and historically-significant spots in the Angeles National Forest. BONUS! Rattlesnake footage

Attempted lynching of Bloomington man at Lake Monroe

To: Subject: Attempted lynching of Bloomington man at Lake Monroe

Ms. Oliphant,

It is your duty to see the offenders in this attempted lynching arrested and brought to justice.

Video shows racist attack directed at Bloomington Man on 4th of July

More coverage: Video: Watch White Men Try To Lynch Black Man Vauhxx Rush Booker In Indiana; Ian James Cherco, Jerry Cox & Sean Purdy Have Been IDed As Perpetrators; Cops & DA Won’t Arrest Them

Victim Vauhxx Rush Booker’s eyewitness account

This is obviously a hate crime and should be treated as such.

In Booker’s own words:

Two of them jumped me from behind and knocked me to the ground. I tussled with the two and another one joined in, then two more. The five were able to easily overwhelm me and got me to the ground and dragged me pinning my body against a tree as they began pounding on my head and ripped off some of my hair, with several of them still on top of my body holding me down. They held me pinned and continued beating me for several minutes seemingly become more and more enraged as they kept trying to seriously injure me and failing. At one point during the attack one of the men jumped on my neck. I could feel both his feet and his full bodyweight land hard against my neck.

At this point the commotion and the sounds one of the men’s young teenage daughter screaming for her father and the others to let me go started attracting more people, (most whom I didn’t know) who started attempting to intervene. The attackers told the growing group, “we’re going to break his arms” (while literally attempting to bend my arms behind me) and then stated to the members of their party several times to, “get a noose”, amongst some other choice slurs. With me still pinned underneath them they kept telling onlookers to leave the, “boy” and that everyone else (all white) could go. Folks then started filming the confrontation, and shouting that they wouldn’t leave me to be killed.

Imagine this happening to you. Imagine the rage you would feel if:

When DNR eventually arrived they didn’t contact us to ensure that no one was injured, instead they went directly to speak with the other individuals (attackers) first. When they finally came to the beach near our campsite where we were all waiting, multiple individuals who didn’t know each other shared videos and relayed that the individuals had yelled “white power” and a litany of other derogatory remarks, and threatened my life multiple times, and also assaulted an approximately 60 year old man who stopped to film the encounter. Yet DNR refused to arrest any of these individuals, even with multiple the witnesses several who filmed the event and collaborated our accounts. Instead the officers stated they contacted the Prosecutor’s office who relayed there was no immediate need to arrest anyone, and that the officers would simply file a report.


Bloomington we’ve had three public incidents involving overtly racists individuals who were then backed by the police within a month. Are we going to wait for a Black person to be lying dead in the gutter before we act? When is enough actually enough?

So simply charging the racist lynch mob with assault and attempted murder is not enough in this case. Your office should work to ensure that the officers who responded to this call are relieved of duty, and their superiors held accountable for their inaction and dereliction of their responsibility to public safety.

Ricky de Laveaga

So I bought an acrylic paint set from Crayola 🖍

my friend jen is dj-ing live


So @maique agreed to send me a digital negative of a photo to make a print of one of his masterpieces for what amounted to a suggested donation and all I can say is it feels like the deal of the century.

I felt a great disturbance in the Web, as if millions of gifs suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

ICE is seeking to deport these migrant girls during the pandemic, alarming advocates

“Our clients are the only detained children we know of who ICE is insisting on deporting even though: 1) they have a parent in the U.S. who ORR recommends they be reunified with, 2) they have no parent or other relative in their home country who can take care of them, and 3) they are really, really young — only 8 and 11,” Syed said.



yellow ceramic skull with air plant growing out of the crown on the skull

the longer you wait to stir in the eggs, the crispier your fried rice 📷🍳🍚🧡

egg yolks on rice topped with chopped green onion

Ol Judy. LA River near Sunnynook River Park 📷🏞💙

overlooking bridfe railing with Judy Garland written on it with wide blue sky and green trees in the LA river below

LA River near Sunnynook River Park 📷🌳💚

lush green trees and succulents along crushed granite trail along the LA river

Beaker is now using the Hypercore Protocol. […] You can read about the new features in the Hypercore Protocol blog: Announcing Hyperdrive v10

Announcing the Beaker 1.0 Beta


post link and optional selection to mac app · GitHub

The Window.getSelection() method returns a Selection object representing the range of text selected by the user or the current position of the caret.

Window.getSelection() - Web APIs | MDN

Manton and Daniel talk about iA Writer’s new support for publishing directly to, and segue in to a conversation about the pragmatism of trying to improve SEO for pertinent terms such as “Micropub” and “WordPress.”

Core Intuition » Episode 420: The Last Release Ever

Often, while building a website, clients and designers will ask something like:

Will you make the links open in a new tab so we don’t take people off the site?

target=_bunk - Ricky de Laveaga